Ace Graphics are Going Green - with Carbon Capture
Woodland Carbon is an accredited, award-winning carbon removal scheme that is operated under the Government’s 2011 Woodland Carbon Code. Our customers and their clients benefit by the opportunity to capture the CO2 emissions from our paper purchases by planting native woodland, right here in the UK, through the Woodland Trust and the Woodland Carbon scheme.
How it Works
When we place a paper order,
the amount of CO2 generated in
the production and delivery of
the paper is calculated, this
amount is added as a separate
invoice and is paid immediately
after delivery of the order.
We receive a quarterly certificate
showing the area of native
woodland created and our own
Ace Graphics branded Woodland
Carbon logo can be used on all
printed material to demonstrate
our commitment to using
reduced CO2 paper. Using the
Woodland Carbon logo enhances
your brand and reinforces your
environmental message.
All Carbon Capture charges are
paid directly to the Woodland
Trust who plant woodland at one
of their accredited woodland
creation sites in the UK.
Since the start of Ace Graphics’ Carbon Capture involvement in October 2013 up to the end of December 2023, Ace Graphics have captured approximately 31.04 tonnes of CO2, creating approximately 776 m2 of new native woodland simply through paper purchases from Premier Paper. Together over £1.83 million to date has been raised for the Woodland Trust, planting more than 480,000 trees, capturing over 110,580 tonnes of CO2.